Bidder Registration

If you or your firm are interested in conducting business with Sedgwick County, please submit your Bidder Registration to the Purchasing Department.

Once the Purchasing Department has received your Bidder Registration, your organization will be notified whenever a purchase request is made by a County department for a product or service falling under the commodity code(s) you specified in the application. You may be sent a Request for Quotation/Proposal or be called and asked to provide a quotation.

NOTE: Vendors should check our website regularly to view a list of Current Request for Bids/Proposals. If there are a large number of vendors in your product classification, vendors will be contacted on a rotating basis. The successful vendor of each contract will continue to be called each time the item is bid.

Business Name and Address
Contact Person
Minority-owned Business?

The information provided will be used to determine the demographic base the County is reaching. It will not be used as a criteria for determining bid award.


Filling out the bidder registration form does not guarantee business with Sedgwick County. By submitting this information, you are giving Sedgwick County permission to contact you when we feel that your company may have goods/services that we are sending out for bid.

After we receive your Bidder Registration, we will confirm your submission via email. Thank you for your time.

Sedgwick County...working for you

Mission: To assure quality public services that provide for the present and future well-being of the citizens of Sedgwick County.