In the 2018 adopted budget, the County Manager highlighted the need for more physical space for public safety agencies housed in the County Courthouse that includes the 18th Judicial District, District Attorney’s Office, and Sheriff’s Office operations. Over the past year and a half, County staff have been researching solutions to these space needs through space programming and reviewing available buildings throughout the community to fit the County needs.
After discussing options for space needs solutions on May 23, 2018 the Board of County Commissioners asked residents to share their thoughts on options for a new County Administration building. The two primary options are:
345 N. Riverview (Riverview Building) – estimated cost $16 million to $18.9 million
535 N. Main (County Courthouse Expansion) – estimated cost $18 million to $21 million
To make room for the immediate and critical needs for the District Attorney and less urgent, but pending needs for District Courts and the Sheriff, the additional building would house the Board of County Commissioners, County Clerk, County Treasurer, County Register of Deeds, County Counselor, County Manager, Facilities, Finance, Human Resources, and some functions from Information Technology.
Fact sheets for the two buildings can be found at these two links so that you have a better understanding of what the two options offer.
Riverview Building Fact Sheet Link
County Courthouse Addition Fact Sheet Link
Please leave us your thoughts on the two primary buildings County Commissioners are considering in the space below. Your feedback will be shared with all County Commissioners and contribute in this decision-making process.