Comments by Mark Masterson

Commission District: 4

Public Safety Public safety is inclusive of the 10 departments that either align directly to the Division of Public Safety or the Elected Offices (Sheriff, District Court and District Attorney) that coordinate with the Division. Collectively, these Departments and Offices ensure the safety of our community through the system of prevention, protection, prosecution and incarceration. These are the overall goals and strategies defined for this area.. Community safety should include strong language promoting justice and protecting civil rights for all. The importance of defense and civil rights attorneys and advocates deserve mention and attention in the plan. Effective, Efficient & Cost Effective Justice System Services Delivery Requires Quality Assurance Measures & Reporting to Demonstrate Cooperation, Performance, Service Quality, Fidelity in Use of Best Practices and Evidence of their Impact on Community Safety.

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Mission: To assure quality public services that provide for the present and future well-being of the citizens of Sedgwick County.