Sedgwick County Mug View
Authorized Agencies User Agreement
In order to obtain authorization to use this
application, departments must first complete the below user agreement by copying
the text to agency letterhead and completing all required information. The
agreement must be signed by the agency head and returned by fax (316)
660-3867 or U.S. Mail to the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Department Records
Section, 141 W. Elm, Wichita, KS 67203. In addition to this agreement,
agencies requesting use of this system must also have a signed
on file with the Sedgwick
County Sheriff's Department. Once all required documents are received by
the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Department, the agency's security administrator
designated in the Mug View Access Agreement below will be contacted
with the appropriate logon information.
Agencies needing emergency (temporary) access to this system should contact the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Department Record's Section at (316) 660-3888.
Copy text between dashed
lines to agency letterhead.
Instructions: To copy text into Word, WordPerfect or other Word
Processing Software first highlight the below text, copy, then paste into your
Mug View Access Agreement
The ___________________________________ (agency name) acknowledges and agrees to the following requirements regarding access to the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Departments mug photograph files.
1. A security administrator (hereinafter SA) within the above agency’s staff will be assigned as point of contact and for managing the agency’s mug access.
2. Without the written consent from one of the Sheriff’s Department’s security administrators, the above agency will not create any generic identifications or passwords. Each authorized person within the agency who is permitted to access the Sheriff’s mug files will have an individual ID and password set up for them. The SA will be responsible for the setting up, supervising and deleting of IDs and passwords for the agency’s personnel.
3. Consistent with number 2 above, the SA will delete the ID and password of any authorized user within their agency whose employment is terminated for any reason (e.g., resignation, retirement, termination), or who is found to have used the information from the Sheriff’s files for any purpose that is not authorized as an acceptable use (i.e., any non-law enforcement use). Said deletions shall occur as soon as possible after the termination from employment or misuse of data, but in no event shall the time period exceed seven (7) days from the date of termination or discovery of misuse.
4. Access to and use of the Sheriff’s mug photograph files shall conform to all security and other procedures outlined in existing user agreements with the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Department entitled AWARENESS STATEMENT FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AGENCY EMPLOYEES and ACCEPTABLE USE AGREEMENT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. If the agency already has these agreements in place, this addendum is all that is needed. IF these agreements have not previously been signed, they are required before this document will be accepted.
5. Failure by the above listed agency to appropriately supervise and manage their personnel’s mug access shall be reason for termination of the agency’s access authority.
Effective ____________ (date) our agency administrator for mug access will be:
Name: _____________________________ Title/Position: ________________________
Phone Number: _______________________Fax Number: ________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________
Authorized by: __________________________________________________________
Printed Name
Title/Position: __________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________
Mission: To assure quality public services that provide for the present and future well-being of the citizens of Sedgwick County.