Request a Smoke Alarm

Sedgwick County Fire District 1 Uniform Patch

Sedgwick County Fire District 1 is dedicated to protecting the lives and property of all of the citizens.  No single part of our mission is more basic than the prevention of fires.

We are offering free smoke alarms to our customers that may not have a working alarm, or are in need of additional alarms.  The installation of smoke alarms in your home is a great way to help keep you and your family safe from fire.

Guidelines for receiving a free alarm(s).

  • You must live in Fire District#1.
  • You can only request alarms for your primary residence.
  • The fire department's representative must install the alarm(s).

Fill in the information boxes below, and click "submit request".  Someone will contact you within 10 days to complete your request.

Fill out this form and click the Submit Request button.

* denotes a required field
State: KS

Sedgwick County...working for you

Mission: To assure quality public services that provide for the present and future well-being of the citizens of Sedgwick County.